EPP and EPS Technical Parts
Our range of technical solutions in expanded foams for the HVACR sector is very wide. We provide a series of solutions to help you optimise your acoustic properties, reduce your handling costs during assembly process or the quantity of elements to construct your HVACR items. See below some examples of what we can do for you!
The evolution of regulations pushes manufacturers to develop increasingly more efficient appliances. One of them, air recovery units, must have less than 3% of air leak of nominal airflow to be certificate. This target is impossible to reach with the “classic” approach towards appliance manufacturing: Metal sheet plus insulation stick. EPP technology enables a fully airtight casing thus limiting assembling areas. In addition, although it varies from one to another, in the projects we were involved, we have seen a strong 40% reduction in assembly times in production.
Process optimisation
One of the keys to high productivity is the labour time on production lines. Fan coil manufacturing used to be made in metal sheet, screwed or riveted. On a classic fan coil unit, the number of fixations needing tooling is about 50. On this project, our team focused on reducing to the extent possible the need for tooling to manufacture the appliance. These efforts born fruit, because we achieved a 5x reduction, increasing productivity by about 45%. This product, after several years on the market, remains a competitive brand.
Freedom design
Polyurethane is one of the commonly used products to insulate hot water tanks. With the process is difficult to get a nice finish around hydraulic connections, as the foaming pressure could easily outstrip the juncture. Our foam solution could mould all the shape to ensure a perfect tightness on these areas avoiding any foam leak during the process thus giving a good finishing to the tank.
Comfort, and in particular acoustic performance, has become an indispensable element of product differentiation. EPP is also an excellent acoustic material. On this heat pump manufacturing project, the gains were multiple, assembly time, airtightness between the different compartments but also acoustics. The gain obtained thanks to EPP is 5dBa. When we know that -3dBa is equivalent to half the noise.
Aesthetic aspect
Even if the specifications are still decisive in the evaluation of HVAC units, aesthetics also becomes a differentiating factor. On this project, the customer was looking for a material that would improve the characteristics of these units as well as provide an aesthetically attractive and innovative design. KNAUF industries has developed a palette of laser graining that, combined with colour, allows a range of finishes to be obtained. In this case our graining and the grey colour gives these devices a perfect finish.